Just Sail!

Seller Agreement

By setting up an account to place an ad on Just-Sail.com, you, the seller or agent of the seller shall hold harmless Just-Sail.com and TechniServe Corporation from any and all claims arising from the submission, ad, or sale arising from the placement of said ad. Seller acknowledges Just-Sail.com and/or TechniServe Corporation makes no representation either oral or written as to the qualifications or credibility of any buyer responding to an ad placed on this website and shall be held harmless from any liability arising from any actions taken of seller or buyer arising from the placement of ad on this website.

Please note: We accept ads ONLY FOR BOATS. We do NOT accept ads for services, marine or otherwise, parts, or sails. Don't even waste your time leaving an ad that is not a boat. It will NOT be displayed for anyone to see until it is reviewed by a human. Don't waste your time trying to slip in a non-boat ad.

Not responsible for typos.